Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Chan will be going into surgery this afternoon, about 2:00pm. They will be putting in his chest port, and doing another spinal tap, and hip biopsy to get some more bone marrow out. During the surgery they will be putting Chemo into his back. It should take about an hour for the surgery and less then 2 for him to be back in his room on the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Then this evening they will use his port for his another Chemo treatment. He will also be getting a steroid tonight as well to help boost his immune system and counteract the lessening of the immune system that is an effect of Chemo.

Also, I was mistaken, there is no radiation, just toxins that will come out in Chan's urine and bowel movements. Coughs, sneezes, runny noses, saliva will not have any toxins. So only if changing, wiping etc Chan and I will have to be extra vigilant so that I don't get any toxins absorbed into my skin which could then affect the baby.

We can have visitors in the hospital. For now we will limit that to family members. For any family who wants to come, we would love to have you. A lot of our time here is spent twiddling our thumbs and trying to entertain ourselves :) Call and let us know when you would like to come and we will work it out. We do ask if you are sick to please stay away because there are other children whose immune systems are weak here on the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) including Channing. And if you want to bring us yummy food we are all for that as well ;)

Chan seems to be doing well. He is up and playing today and is enjoying the new toys they have on the unit to play with. Since Chan had a positive strep test just before admittance he is in isolation. Which basically means any hospital staff has to wear masks so they don't pass Chan's strep germs onto the others. He knows he has Leukemia, which to him means owies and that we are here to help him get better. He knows he is going to have surgery, but to what extent that he actually comprehends we don't know. We tell him what changes will happen and prepare him as much as we can. Chan is enjoying playing with his roller coaster bed!

Jay and Ema don't know much but that Chan has owies. Jay will know more when we get the chance to talk to him, and help him understand better. Em will not understand much but we will be keeping her informed as well. This is going to be a 3 year process total so as she gets older she will understand more.

We are being wheeled down to prep for surgery for the port now, so that's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for keeping us posted! All of us definitely have you guys in our prayers.
