Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Interesting Day

*Warning - this post talks about bodily if you aren't wanting to know, don't read as it could be too much info for some, but I know that family wants to know pretty much everything so here it is... Chan and I headed up to his appointment today hoping it would be as quick and painless as possible. Chans counts all came back great, but his large 'buddha' belly was a concern, and so was the constant drinking and urination. So, they did a glucose test, and another belly xray. Sugars came back perfect which was a relief, but the xray showed a huge backup of gas and stool. I had thought we were doing pretty good with that because he was going twice a day with what I thought was a lot for a little guy. But apparently he isn't keeping up with all the burritos he is putting in. We were given instructions to drink an entire soda bottle of laxative and hope that it would clear him completely out (by completely cleared out i mean watery diarrhea, cuz I know you wanted to know ;). We are getting close to this goal but still haven't achieved it 5 hours later, so we get to move on to phase 2 of the plan which is a whole bottle of Miralax in a 64 ounce container of Gatorade and drinking at least a cup every hour if not more. It is 7:3o now, so we are in for a long night of fun.... If we meet the goal of water stools then we have no more worries for now, but if not then we have to go back to AFCH and maybe do an xray but maybe have to be admitted to the hospital to help get him all cleared out. I know that we will be pretty tired tomorrow after being up all night with the little guy, but hopefully it will pay off and we can enjoy all of the exciting weekend plans we have!!

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