Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

The story of the Twins

Since Channing was born, I have called him my little miracle.  We didn't know we were having twins until after Jakob was born.  Here is the story of how we found out about Channing...

Kindt and I were excited when we found out we were expecting our first child in July 2007.  We later learned this first child would be a little boy.  My pregnancy was very normal, no big problems, just a big belly :)  We were told that we should be prepared for an 11 lb baby because I was so big.  On 7/7/07 I went into labor.  We went into the hospital excited and nervous to be first time parents.  Jakob was born at 2:03pm 7/8/07.  He was placed in my arms and I looked at my baby for the first time.  He was so little - 6lbs 1 oz.  Then as suddenly as he was placed he was whisked away and the Doctor frantically yelled "I need more nurses, there is another one in there!".  Kindt and I looked at each other with complete shock.  Channing was born 13 minutes after his brother, and about 5 minutes are we knew he was there.  Channing was as perfect as his brother before him. 

I know that he was meant to be in our family, and that he will continue to be our little miracle - fighting this cancer and surviving.  He will be stronger and better because of this and so will everyone who knows him.