Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday update

Chan is doing well. He had his first dose of PEG (can't spell the whole name) a little before 10am. This is the drug that can cause some pretty scary side effects, so far so good, but we will still keep a vigilant eye on him. He is eating and drinking like a champ which is always nice to see and poor Kindt has been getting up with Chan every 2 hours during the night to take him to the bathroom. I tell Kindt its just getting him used to when the new baby arrives :) Also, during Chans vitals today his heart rate was low (49- 55 beats per minute normal is about 110) so they did an EKG to check his heart and all seems fine, so nothing to worry about there. Last night they also did a finger prick for a glucose test because his sugars have been really high but they were decent at 159 (ideal is between 90-140 for his age). So nothing to worry about yet :)

Kindt and I pretty worn out and exhausted but still maintaining our humor and positive outlook. Em and Jay went to the pediatrician today and Em has an ear infection and a skin infection, and Jay has a sinus infection. Poor kiddos, I wish I could snuggle them all, but am so thankful that Auntie Am and family are taking such good care of them. Hopefully they will be getting better before we get home.

We have had some amazing offers of help, which are really putting my mind at ease so I can focus on my babies. We have some great women from our church who are going to clean the house on Tues so its all clean and safe for Chan. And we also have some women who are going to bring us meals for the next week and bring us a few frozen meals. I feel very blessed by everyone's willingness to help, it will really lift my burdens! THANK YOU!!!



  1. Alyssa,

    I am so happy that Chan is good well so far. We think of your family everyday and prayer for you guys everynight. I love you friend and want you to know that Whitney and I are here for you and your family. I will be bring your family dinner Wensday night. Let me know what time is best for you guys.

    I also have some fun stuff for your kids too. Also chans sunbeam class made him something so I will bring it all Wensday. Call if you need anything please.

  2. Oh my gosh! I am so sorry to see this update. I will keep you all in my prayers.
