Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fun with Visitors

We were blessed to have lots of family come visit us today. Auntie Am, cousin A, cousin C, brother Jay, sister Em, Opa, Nana, and Auntie Britt. Chan got to see Jay and Em for only a small amount of time because sadly they both have colds. I talked with Jay for a bit and tried to help him understand a little more whats going on. Apparently the biggest thing that he understood was that Chan was going to loose his hair, so mommy was going to cut off both their hair :) I reassured Jay that we love him and want him to enjoy the time he is getting to spend with all his friends and family. Chan also showed Jay where his special medicine went into his chest port. And since they couldn't touch, they gave each other special air hugs :) I miss my other kids terribly so it was nice to see them!

Auntie Britt is going to stay here with us for the weekend to save Kindt and I from the monotony of hospital life :) It will be nice to have another adult around. Kindt and I were also able to leave the hospital together for an hour by ourselves which was really nice, and desperately needed, its something that we haven't been able to do since we first got the diagnosis.

Chan is still doing great. He loved spending time with Nana and Opa painting pictures and just getting special time with them. I am sure he appreciated being away from his overbearing parents for a small amount of time too ;)

1 comment:

  1. That's so cute that Channing was showing Jakob his special "port" for his medicine!!!
