Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Chan is up and about keeping his parents from sleeping. He decided he wanted to play at about 10pm. He seems to be doing really well and even said, "Dad, I feel much better! It just takes time!" Alyssa is currently reading him some books that were given to us today from the Badger Childhood Cancer Network (BCCN).

Incidentally, one of the more difficult things for myself (being the dad) is all of the toys and gifts that are being given to us. Kind of a mix of fighting pride and overwhelming appreciation. Also, it is strange what seemingly random things can bring on the water works lately.


A side effect of one of the medicines (steroid) Chan is taking is extreme hunger. It was entertaining for Kindt and I to watch him shove down 2 bowls of cereal in a short time! It is good to see an appetite forming as he really hasn't felt like eating for the last week.

It is weird to think that just a week ago we were 'normal', the most complicated thing on my mind was what I was going to make for dinner. And now here we are in the hospital with Cancer. Its amazing how quickly things can change...

Hopefully soon we will have our camera up here with us so we can take pics and post them as well so you can see Chan and where we are staying!

- Alyssa


  1. I am so glad to hear he is feeling better (even if it is at 10pm)!! Your family is with our thoughts and prayers!! We will be fasting for you this sunday! Hang in there guys!

  2. You have constantly been in my thoughts today! We have made sure you are in our prayers. If you need ANYTHING let me know! Thanks for the post on how we could help. I really appreciated it because I did feel helpless and I'm still thinking of ways we can help you from afar. I'm so glad that I was able to visit with you last month! I'll jump on a plane if you want to hang out some more! :)

  3. Thinking of you and your sweet family! It's nice to hear you so positive, I think it will be a blessing for your family. You are in our prayers and I'll be watching for updates!
