Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Getting back to 'normal'

Things have been getting back into a 'normal' routine for us. We are able to do all the things we did before, and just have to add in going to the Dr every Thurs . I have really liked getting back into the normal day to day, playing with the kids, staying in my pjs all day, eating junk, cleaning (weird right?), but it puts a sense of normalcy back into our lives, which I need! It helps me feel 'normal' as opposed to feeling like something is wrong. I know that this isn't going to last forever, that there will be a time where Chan has to be hospitalized, or his blood levels are low so his immune system is low and we won't be able to do all the things we do, but for now I am going to enjoy it! Tomorrow we will go back to the Dr. and Chan will get another Chemo treatment. It will be in clinic just like last week, and hopefully all will go smoothly. I am not going to bring Jay with us, just because its a little added stress that I don't need, and the poor kid needs to get some energy out playing with a friend. Chan and Jay used to play together all the time, so they didn't really learn how to play individually very well. Since Chan has been sick Jay has been having to occupy his own time and he is having a hard time learning how to do that, and I am having a hard time trying to get him too. I have become Jay's play buddy but still can't run his energy out like he used to, so by the afternoon I am exhausted and Jay doesn't stop. Hopefully soon this too will get easier and Jay will get better at playing individually and I will be able to be more patient with all his energy :) - Alyssa

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