Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sat morning update

Chan is doing really well. Up and playing! He is also out of isolation so he can wonder around and enjoy the playroom and family room the PICU has to offer. It is nice to see him back in normal clothes doing little boy stuff. Right now, he is building a train track :) We are also expecting some visitors which is exciting for Kindt and I to change up our daily thumb twiddling ;)

They request that only one parent stay the night at the hospital, so I have been sleeping at the local Ronald MacDonald House. It is just around the corner, which makes it very easy for me to go back and forth. I used to read the Loralane Mac Daniel books (I know I butchered the spelling but don't care.. ;) and always wanted to know what the Ronald MacDonald house was like. Now I know, I wish I didn't have to know, but because of the situation we are in I am EXTREMELY grateful for the Ronald MacDonald house. For those wanting to know more here is a website I will give a little bit of info. It is like a house/hotel. Every room has its own key and looks like a basic 2 queen hotel room with a bathroom. They have computer rooms, library's, play rooms, video rooms, playground equipment, full kitchen and more. They tell us to treat it like our own house. The kitchen is completely stocked with food that has been donated, and different local businesses provide a nice hot meal every evening. For a pregnant women like me this is heaven!! Food whenever I want it :) They ask for a $10 daily donation per family, which I think is nothing compared to all the amazing things they offer. Any of our family can stay with us as well.

Something that you can do for me today:
Enjoy your Saturday! If you have kids take extra time to hold them, read to them, snuggle with them, make cookies, something a little extra to show them how special they are and how much you love them! If its just you, do something for yourself - Lay in bed all day reading a book, go to a movie, order your favorite food, etc. Just two of you: watch a movie, build a fort and watch a movie inside, show each other how much you love each other. If you are somewhere that the weather is nice, go outside and enjoy the sunshine for me!! Just enjoy your day, find something fun to do and do it! And if you want, leave a message letting me know what you did, so I can live vicariously through all of you :)

Thanks for all the comments and prayers!!



  1. We took the kids to the movies for the first time today! We saw Tangled. Have you seen that movie? It's really cute, good, and funny! I highly suggest it when it comes out on DVD! :) Or run away with Kindt for a couple of hours and see it in the dollar theater.

  2. Franklin and I made muffins on Sunday. He had purchased a book at Sis. O's bookstore "101 Things to Do With Zuchinni." He's a picky eater, so getting him to try new things is an exciting thing. He grated zuchinni and orange peel and even tasted the finished product--just a bit off the top.
