Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Burritos and Tacos...

Chan has a monster sized appetite!! He cannot get enough to eat. All this last week he wanted burritos. Just a tortilla with taco meat, cheese, tomatoes and sour cream. Our meals with him would look something like this: Breakfast - two bowls of cereal, and a burrito Snack - a burrito Lunch - a bowl full of spaghetti and a burrito Dinner - whatever we were having, and a burrito. He ate more then I can and I am eating for 2!! He wanted a burrito in the middle of the night most nights too, but we were able to convince him to go back to sleep and wait till the morning. Having this huge appetite is a result of the steroids Chan is on. It gets pretty entertaining when we are sitting in church and out of the blue Chan shouts "I want a burrito taco!!". Or when we were driving past a Taco Bell and he gets so excited "LOOK!! a burrito taco place!! Lets go!! I want a burrito taco!!" When I took Chan to get a burrito after his dr appt on Thurs he ate an entire chicken and rice burrito and a taco! Usually he can't even finish the burrito. I guess we will add burrito tacos to Chans list of favorite foods :)

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