Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I had a friend ask how many meds Chan takes in one day. This last week has been a lot, but as time goes on it will get less. Here is a breakdown for anyone interested:

We left the hospital with 13 different medications...
6 are daily medications for the first week
4 are as needed medications to balance out side effects of the Chemo and the other meds
1 is twice daily on the weekends
1 is an epipen
1 is a numbing cream to be used before accessing port

Now Chan only has to take 4 different kinds of medication multiple times during the day. We made a medication schedule so we were sure we would give him the right meds at the right time.

The first week at breakfast Chan would take:
A med to reduce uric acid (which is released when cancer cells are killed)
An antibiotic to kill off the strep infection, and help him fight off infections that siblings had.
A steroid (part of the chemo treatment)
A pill to coat the stomach to protect stomach and so ulcers don't form from the steroid.
And miralax to help him have a soft bowel movement.

2:00pm Chan would take:
A med to reduce uric acid (which is released when cancer cells are killed)
An antibiotic to kill off the strep infection, and help him fight off infections that siblings had

A steroid
A pill to coat the stomach to protect stomach and so ulcers don't form from the steroid.
And miralax to help him have a soft bowel movement.

A med to reduce uric acid (which is released when cancer cells are killed)
An antibiotic to kill off the strep infection, and help him fight off infections that siblings had
A med that helps fight off mold/fungal infections

Now we have cut out the Miralax, the med to reduce uric acid, and the Antibiotic. So he isn't on quite as many meds....


I have also been giving each of the siblings a children's chewable w/extra vitamin C at dinner (though this is not a medicine, I feel it's still important). :-)


1 comment:

  1. Alyssa -- This is Emily Ames; Amber and I taught first grade together at Geneva (in Orem) several years ago...I learned about your sweet little boy's diagnosis through Amber's blog and want you to know that your entire family is in our prayers. Your strength is incredible and encouraging. You will be in our thoughts and our prayers! (And though we have never met Channing, will you give him a hug from us?) What a brave little boy he is. I am absolutely amazed at the strength of your family!
