Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

First Outpatient Appointment

Chan had his first outpatient appointment on Friday. They did blood work which all came back great, and almost within normal ranges which is amazing! We also got the results of the cytogenics test they did to find where the mutations that caused Leukemia occurred. Thankfully, the mutations occurred in the most common areas, so now Chans type is Leukemia ALL B cell, favorable. Which means that this type responds well to Chemo and we can stay the course of treatment we are on. There is only one more test that we are waiting the results on to make sure that all the cancer cells have been killed and that Chan is in remission, we will get the first set of the results next week, and the last set of the result at the end of the 28 day cycle (April 8th ish). Things are looking really good, and we feel very blessed that for what he has it is all going well.

Chan is also doing well. He has been playing more this weekend, and having fun with family. Its always nice to see my sweet boys personality come back. He has some weird reactions to the steroids he has been prescribed as part of the Chemo treatment. They make him withdrawn, and give him crazy eyes. Chan doesn't blink much and when he looks at you his eyes are large and staring. I think they look like the squirrels eyes off Ice Age. Hopefully, this side effect will go away at the end of this phase of Chemo when Chan isn't on the steroids anymore.

Sadly, I ended up being sick this weekend, so I got the weekend off from kids. Which was in a way refreshing, but also very hard. I am feeling much better now, and hope that it was a one time thing that will not be passed to the rest of the family.

Thank you all again for all of your prayers. We can see the difference in our lives because of all of you continually praying for our family. We know that Chans side effects have been minimal and that his prognosis is staying positive because of all the prayers in Chans behalf. Please don't stop praying, we know that your prayers are working miracles in our life.



  1. Landon has been praying everday for Channing! It's super cute! He thought he only had to pray once though and he was better. We explained he had to pray longer because Channing will be sick for a while. I'm so glad this is going so "well". Well, you know, as well as it could be going! :)

  2. we are so glad things are favorable. we'll keep praying that things go smoothly.
