Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Home Sweet Home!!

We are home!! It is so nice to be home, and much nicer to be in a clean home!! I am SOOO thankful for those friends that came over today and scrubbed my house. Such a blessing to have that worry gone so Chan can have a safe environment to be in. Our friends also brought over some necessities like toilet paper, paper towels, juice, crackers and much more. Another friend also came over and watched 3 kids so that my sister could take her daughter to the doctor. We are well taken care of and feel so very blessed!!

Chan is a little overwhelmed by all the kids around here :) But I am sure he will be back up to his normal crazy 3 yr old self soon enough! Kindt and I are also a bit overwhelmed by all the kiddos, but are happy to be able to hold them all. I am sure the fits that will be thrown in the next couple days will fun quite fun for me!

Tomorrow Chan will get his blood drawn, but thankfully we can go to the local hospital to get it drawn so we don't have to drive to Madison. Then on Friday he has his first outpatient procedure, it will be at 8 am so Chan and I are planning on staying at the Ronald McDonald house so we don't have to fight rush hour traffic.

Chan came home with a grocery sack full of meds that he will be taking for the next month. It will be interesting to get into a routine with all of the meds too!

I am also going to be going to a church function tonight, to get some 'fresh' air :) It will be nice to get into as much a sense of 'normalcy' as possible. Thanks again to all who have called, emailed, messaged, given, etc!

- Alyssa

1 comment:

  1. Alyssa, I've been reading your posts and am so impressed by how positive you and Kindt are staying. Keep that up !! I wish we were closer and could offer some assitance to you guys right now. Of course you will all be in my prayers. The love and faith you all have will see you thru the next few years. It'll be a struggle at times for all of you, but your strength in each other will always help. So glad you have such a strong support system there ! Love, Linda
