It's also a good way for me to try out using polls in the blog.
Which treatment would you choose for yourself?
Which treatment would you choose for your kid?
You might be interested to know that doctors often chose the more "risky" treatment (the one with higher death rate but less chance of side effects) and chose the opposite for their patients. You could either spin this as the doctors being more concerned about the patients then themselves OR you could say that the doctors are more willing to have someone else live with side effects then themselves. You decide. Maybe it's a little of both. I have a feeling that a lot of us will be making (or already have made) these type of decisions for ourselves or our loved ones at some point in our life.
Sorry to end on such a depressing note. This is the type of stuff that popular medical shows and TV dramas are made of though. The "gray" areas/decisions are what make life so interesting in some ways. Also, as a disclaimer, we have not had to make that decision with Chan. We have been very fortunate that his treatments have had both excellent outlooks and lower side effects than others with the same diagnosis.
Here's a silly picture of Chan from last year to help lighten the mood:
- Kindt
Ok... I just want to put a little disclaimer on my answer to the above questions. If I had the choice TODAY I would choose the 1% death 5% paralyzed for myself; however, if I were old and my kids were all grown and taken care of etc. I would probably choose the 10% death. There really is nothing I want more than to be the one to raise my kiddos and watch them grow.