Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Chest Port

A few people have wondered where Chan's port is attached.  I found this picture online that shows more or less how it is attached inside Chan's body... 

The port is used so that there is easy access to his blood for blood work and as an easy access point to put Chans medicine into his body.  The only people who can access the port are the doctors at American Family Children's hospital.  If we ever do a blood draw away from AFCH then they will have to do it in his arm. 

Here are some pics of Chan at the clinic.  I love the fire truck room, the whole hospital is set up so well for kids, it makes me so happy that they work so hard at making the kids as comfortable as possible. 

A closer picture of Chan with the 'tubies' connected to his port.  We are waiting for his blood work to get back so we can start the Chemo.  Chan mostly likes to just watch cartoons. 
Notice the large belly...this kid seems like he is 9 months pregnant.  Massive cravings, inability to move without being helped, and can't roll over.  We are still working on getting that belly cleaned out so he feels a bit better!

Random other things that I just thought of mentioning:
Chan cannot have vaccinations for the duration of treatment, he also cannot go to the dentist because they don't want any chance of bacteria to be able to enter into his blood stream.  It will be so weird for me to just have Jakob get vaccinations, and for just Jakob to go to the dentist but that is how things are now. 

1 comment:

  1. Thats fine as long as you put the proper credits for where the picture came from
