Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

First ER visit

Don't get too worried, it was because Chan is still constipated and they wanted to do another Xray and get some fluids in him through an IV to help get his bowels moving. 

I was hoping to get through induction (which ends on Friday, hopefully), without an ER trip that is so common with children who have Leukemia.  Sadly, last night we had to go in because of what I wrote above.  Chans tummy is still so large and he will randomly groan.  He doesn't act like he is in pain, and when I ask him he says he doesn't have any owies.  Either the kid has a very high pain tolerance or is just afraid to tell me he has owies so we have to use a very low threshold when it comes to anything with him.  One of the side effects of the VinCristine Chemo that he has had for the last 3 weeks can cause an obstruction of the bowels, thankfully he doesn't have that but he is impacted with lots and lots of stool.  I called the nurse just to let her know my concerns over his tummy and she wanted to get the xray just to make sure it wasn't something that they needed to see him in Madison for overnight.  I packed an overnight bag just in case but thankfully, we didn't have to use it.

At the ER they did the x-ray, saw there was lots of stool and gas pockets, drew blood, attached Chan to an IV through his arm (no one but AFCH is allowed to access the port so there is no contamination), and gave him another adult dose of laxative.  4 hrs later we were on our way home (about 8:30 pm).

Chan was not allowed to eat at the hospital or at home that evening because they didn't want to add more to the backup.  This did not go over well with our little steroid food craving child.  All he talked about in the ER was chips, a sandwich (I packed us each one because it was going to be dinner time while we were there), burritos, mac and cheese, and dip dip.  Poor kid did not like it when I told him he couldn't eat.  When we got in the car he asked if he could hold his sandwich.  I told him no, because he can't eat and he was so upset and said "mommy I just want to hold it".  I made him promise me (as much as that holds water with a 3 1/2 yr old) that he wouldn't eat it.  He held true to his promise and just held the sandwich all the way home.  Poor kid. 

Chan talked to Jakob on the phone at the ER and Jakey told Chan that he (Jakey) had just gotten owies.  Chan was worried about Jakey and his owies even though he was in the hospital. The second we got home Chan went to Jakey and asked to see his owies and wanted to know if Jakey was ok.  Jakob was asleep so didn't resond but Chan rubbed Jakeys hair and said I hope you feel better.  My sweet sick boy was worried about his brother even with everything going on with himself.  This kid is going to be an amazing young man in the future!!

The instructions for home was that if he didn't have a bowel movement through the night that we were going to need to go to Madison in the morning. He had an ok time in the night passing some of it through so we are clear to have fun today and just keep up on all the laxatives to help him out!

1 comment:

  1. This is just the cutest....well other than the scary ER visit. It's good to see Chan concerned about Jakob and interacting with him. Makes my heart warm!
