Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Last Day of Induction

Today should be the last Chemo treatment for Induction.  It is crazy to think that in just a month all of the cancer is mostly gone, and Chan is technically in remission (at least that is the hope we will find out the results prob next week from todays biospy).  Even though the cancer is not present in his blood or in his bone (for the most part), if he doesn't continue treatment for the next 3 yrs it can and most likely will come back full force.  Today we will find out more about which course we are going to be on for the second phase of treatment that will prob last 6 months or so.  It is exciting but a little scary because it will be new Chemo treatments and new over the counter meds to give him.  Hopefully he will react as well to the new regimine as he has this past month of treatments. 

Today Chan is going to be sedated for a bone marrow biopsy from the hip, he will also get a Chemo treatment right to the spine.  He isn't allowed to eat for 5 hrs prior to the sedation and that is not an easy thing to handle for a boy on steroids whose life revolves around food.  I woke him up early this morning and fed him just before the time that he couldn't eat came around.  Then we all went back to sleep.  When we woke up almost 2 hrs later one of the first things out of Chans mouth was, "Can jakob eat a bagel for me?".  He remembered he couldn't eat but still wanted a bagel so wanted Jakob to eat it for him.  I am in constatnt awe of how much this kid understands and how little he fights me when it comes to things I tell him the dr says.

Here are some old pics that I love of Chan:

This is the day we found out he had Leukemia. 

This is a picture Chan drew of monsters in the hospital, it was the first time he had drawn a mouth on something.  Then a few minutes later he added legs to his monster. 

Right now Chan wants me to make him a bunch of food to take in the car so that he can eat it after the dr.  He is such a trooper!!

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