Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Inpatient Days 1 and 2

We arrived for clinic Tuesday morning at 10:30. Grandma Rani and Jakob came with us so they could drop us off and have the car at the house while we were in the hospital.   All Chans counts came back great so we were ready for our hospital stay - except a room wouldn't be available until after 3 pm.  So, we wasted a little bit of time by going over to the Ronald McDonald House and giving Jakob and Grandma Rani a tour of it.  The kids played in the playroom for a bit and seemed to have a good time.  Jakob was excited to come and stay there with me on Thurs night.  After that we were dropped off at the hospital and Chan and I played in the waiting room at the hospital for a little over an hour while we waited for our 2:45 sedation.  Sedation went well - they did a spinal chemotherapy.  Channing does not like waking up from sedation.  He is very irritable and grumpy, which is not fun for me but once he eats and really wakes up he is back to his goofy self. 

After sedation a room was ready so we went up to the 4th floor.  We played, ate, and looked out the window at the parked construction trucks.  For some reason Chans orders from the pharmacy weren't up yet until 7:00.  And then we had to wait for his hydration and PH levels to be within range so we had to wake Chan up too pee every hour.  Finally at 2 am he was within range so we started the IV chemo.  It was not a lot of sleep but we survived.  Channings appetite goes down when he gets Chemo but they say it is nothing to worry about, since he is getting a lot of fluids through his IV. 

Daddy came up last night and relieved me.  Kindt and Channing played Dora on PlayStation, and Channing wouldn't let Kindt stop playing :)  I secretly think Kindt enjoyed it!!  Today Channing got a bath, because he is just getting fluids no Chemo so they could unhitch him for a time.  We have been playing in the playroom and just having fun.  Jakob is going to come up tonight with daddy and stay with us so that will be a lot of fun for the boys.  Tonight Chan will get some medicine that will counter act some of the affects of the chemo and get his levels back up.  Once he is within range we will be released.  Hopefully that will be tomorrow morning but it may not be until the next day - it all depends on how his counts and levels are.  Grandma Rani will come up tomorrow with Ema just in case we are sprung and if not then they will spend the day with us and help relieve me from constant Channing entertainment.  Also, we get to pick up my mom Grandma Robyn from the airport tomorrow so that will be loads of fun.  Though we are also sad cuz Grandma Rani will be leaving us on Saturday and she has been a huge help with all that is going on. 

I have some pics to post, but can't save them on the hospital computers so I will have to wait to post them when Kindt arrives tonight with his laptop. 

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