Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Friday, April 22, 2011

First Inpatient Postponed

We woke up Thurs morning, planning to spend the next 3-4 nights at the hospital while Channing received more Chemo.  That is not how things went.  Channing woke up complaining of an ear ache, and not wanting to eat breakfast.  When we got to the hospital we first went to the clinic to do labs and talk to the dr about Channings ears.  Turns out Channing has a double ear infection.  Because of the infection and the antibiotics needed to clear out the infection, Channings chemo needed to be postponed till Tuesday of next week.  While its a bummer because Kindt was going to stay at the hospital with us all weekend for this first time, and we were all prepared for the stay, its better that Chan be healthy for the chemo and not stress out his body more with dealing with an infection and chemo. 

Now, we are going to enjoy the Easter weekend and celebrate the real meaning of Easter since we went through all the Easter bunny hoopla already last weekend in anticipation of not being home on Easter.  Grandma Rani and I are going to have a much needed girls afternoon out tomorrow going to the movies, getting our nails done (thanks for the gift card friends!!!), and eating a delicious meal out!  It has been a little overwhelming of a week with two kids with ear infections (will someone please explain to my little boys that ear infections aren't contagious, because they both have them...), and my baby dr appointments and the rest of the other things that occur on a daily basis so I am REALLY looking forward to getting out of the house kid free and all things dr related free! 

I hope that you all have a fun Easter weekend, and that you are able to enjoy celebrating the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.


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