Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pics from the hospital

We love the American Family Childrens Hospital.  We pretty much always see the same check in nurse, nurse and dr every time.  Only once was our check in nurse different.  Because of this Channing is a little more comfortable and they all remember him and how to make him at ease. 

When we arrive we check in at reception then the nurse gives Chans arm a hug (blood pressure), squeezes his finger (oxygen levels), and checks his weight, height and temperature. 

Then we are taken to the clinic room where we can play with the chalkboard, watch cartoons, and just relax.  Channing also gets to pick out a sticker after the initial nurse check in. 

Then the other nurse comes in and gives Chan pokes by accessing his port.  Then they draw the blood and keep him accessed for his chemo and if he needs a blood transfusion.  After we are done in the clinic Channing gets to pick a toy out of the treasure box for doing so good.  They also allow Jakey to pick out a toy :)

On Tues after the clinic but before sedation we had a little time to waste so we took the kids and Grandma Rani to tour the Ronald McDonald house. 

The boys really enjoyed the playroom with all the fun toys they have to play with. 
Jakey is very excited to sleep their tonight with mommy!!

1 comment:

  1. I love how doctors and nurses are with kids! They always seem so great! I'm glad it's been a "good" experience there! :)
