Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Relief and Joy

Little Brother was born on August 23rd. 

Channing was sooo excited when he saw baby brother, he looked at him in awe and said over and over "Is that my baby brother??".  He was also excited that someone else was in a hospital bed, and he got to see the nurses do my vitals.  Jakob was excited but a little indifferent.  And Ema just wanted to be in baby brothers face :) 

After baby brother was born I felt this huge burden lifted off of my shoulders.  A new chapter in our lives was opening, and I was so ready for it.  During the last 5 months since Channing's diagnosis, I lived in constant stress.  Some days it was really bad, some days barely noticeable but it was always there at the back of my mind stressing me out and causing me worry.  I was afraid I would have the baby early, I was afraid something was going to be wrong with the baby, I was afraid Channing would be in the hospital when the baby was born.  Some days I would barely do anything for fear of causing myself to go into labor.  All these nagging fears and thoughts at the back of my mind.  Now, I get to just be happy.  I get to just hold my sweet baby boy and not worry about Channing being in the hospital.  Such an amazing feeling of relief and joy.  There is nothing better then knowing we are moving on into a new chapter of life.  Channing is in Maintenance (3rd and final phase of treatment), Jakob and Channing start half day 4K, Ema gets to learn that she is not the baby anymore and we have a new baby to snuggle.  I am not in denial that things will be hard with a new baby, but we are ready for this new adventure and chapter in our lives!!

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