Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Inpatient Postponed...

Sadly, Channing's last inpatient is being postponed.  Channing got the hand, foot, and mouth disease that Jakob had last week.  It is so mild that if you didn't know what you were looking for you wouldn't notice the 3 red dots on his hands, and the 5 on his feet.  Channing didn't have a fever with it (which normally a fever is very common for multiple days).  But, because it is a virus and because the Methotrexate (the chemo Channing gets at inpatient) will target 'weak' areas the doctors are concerned that it could potentially cause Channing more harm.  So, they made the decision that Channing can't have his last inpatient until every last bump is gone.  We rescheduled for a week from tomorrow. 

I was pretty devastated at first, and was at least able to hold in my emotions until after I got off the phone with the nurse practitioner.  To be honest, I cried for the next few hours off and on.  Just frustration, sadness, annoyance, etc.  And it doesn't help that I am 9 months pregnant so my emotions are completely out of whack.  I just keep telling myself that its probably for the best, and that it will all work out.  Now, I get to be excited and hopeful about having this baby in the next week, instead of worried that the baby will come while I am at the hospital with Channing.  It seems so unfair that I have to stress about when this baby will come instead of letting the baby come when he is ready.  Now, I get to be hopeful that I have this baby sooner rather then later.  Really, I just want to be done with this whole situation and have my son and my baby (and all of my family) together without the stress of cancer.  Ah, wishful thinking...

1 comment:

  1. Let's hope you have him like tomorrow!!! Are you walking stairs?? :) Have you guys picked a name for him yet? I can't wait to hear what it'll be!!! I wish I could take away the stress or at least help with some of it!
