Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Last inpatient finished!!

Channing is now home from his last scheduled inpatient!!!  It is very exciting for our family.  It is always fun when Channing come home because he and Jakob have so much fun catching up and playing together :)  They are so fun to watch as they get reunited. 

We will now be moving into the last phase of treatment called Maintenance.  It is his last and final phase which will last 2 years.  It is kind of a weird schedule but I will try to explain it.  Channing will go in on Aug 31st for his first treatment of Maintenance (kind of a bummer because he starts school the next day and will be all 'drugged' up, but hopefully it will be ok).  He will get VinCristine, an spinal Methotrexate (sedation, with a spinal tap to give the drug), and he will start the steroids again.  Then he goes back in a week later and will stop the steroids and will get VinCristine.  Then he is off for about 2 1/2 months (with 2 local blood draws) and then goes in for a spinal Methotrexate (with sedation).  Then he is off for about a month and then starts the whole process over again.  Confusing, yes, but very exciting to have a nice long break during the treatments.

This has been perfect timing.  Channing finished his last inpatient, and his baby brother has yet to come (6 days overdue now), and he will start school and Maintenance at the same time.  We are excited for these new things to happen!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry everything had to be pushed back, but I'm glad he's back home before Baby Brother comes. Hopefully the little man makes his appearance SOON! :)
