Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Monday, October 3, 2011

The last month

We have been very busy this last month with this:

 and this:

Channing had two treatments at the beginning of September.  He was on steroids for the first week of school, but I think the second week was the worst when he was detoxing from the steroids.  He was ON ONE the week after he was finished with steroids.  Very cranky, very tired, waking up in the night, etc.  We got through it though and now he is back to his normal crazy self. 

We also went to Madison last week on Thurs for labs and a port flush.  Since he has so much time between treatments they have to make sure his port doesn't get 'clogged' so they flush it.  The appointment lasts like 20 minutes then we are done.  We will go up at the end of October for another port flush and if I'm feeling up to it with all 4 kids, then we might do something fun in Madison.  Since the drive takes about 6 times as long as the appointment. 

The kids are LOVING their baby brother, and are really really good with him.  We had a lot of help the first month after the baby was born, and that was really helpful :) 

Life is going really well, and Channing is doing fantastic!!  Only 2 more years of monthly visits to Madison!!

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