Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Buzz Lightyear

Buzz Lightyear has been a character that Channing has liked for awhile. Since this has been a very hard year on Channing we decided that for Halloween we were going to all be Toy Story characters.  Channing got to be Buzz, Jakob was Woody, Ema was Jesse, Ellery was the pizza planet alien, and Kindt and I were Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head.  We also got some extended family into the mix and had Squeaker the Penguin, and two different Prospectors :)  It was a lot of fun to dress up as a family.

Meet the 'Round Up Gang' and friends :)

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