Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Friday, July 29, 2011

No news means good news

We've had a pretty easy going couple of weeks.  Nothing too big or exciting to report.  Channing had his 2nd to last inpatient last weekend and everything went as planned.  He has been a little sick this week, throwing up and just feeling tired and yucky.  But that is to be expected the week after he gets so many drugs pumped into him.

We are preparing for the arrival of baby boy in a little over two weeks.  We have pretty much everything we need to make it to and home from the hospital.  We are hoping that baby boy stays inside until his due date of Aug 15th.  Channing's last scheduled inpatient will end on Aug 14th, so we are at a little bit of a tight schedule with baby boy coming and Channing being in the hospital.  I was a week overdue with Ema so I am hoping I can hold out until Channing is home from the hospital.  We have plans in place in case baby decides to come early, but we are really hoping that he comes after the 14th - it would make our lives a little easier :)

At this last inpatient the nurses were very concerned that I was going to go into labor.  I just laughed and said wait for 3 weeks when I am due and in the hospital with Channing then you can be concerned :)  Too bad Channing's hospital doesn't deliver babies or we could share a hospital room. 

Thats all for now :)

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