Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th Inpatient and 4th of July

This most recent inpatient (June 30-July 3rd) went really well.  Channing had hydration (IV fluids to get his PH levels where they need to be quicker since he has to fast for the LP (lumbar puncture) at 8:00am Thursday morning.  Since it was so early we decided it would be best for Chan and I to stay the night at the RMH (Ronald McDonald House) Wed night.  Apparently lots of families had this idea and the RMH was full.  Whenever this happens we are put up in a hotel for the same $10 fee and the RMH charity takes care of the rest.  So, Chan and I got to stay in a nice hotel for nothing!  Also, since we were vehicle less and the hotel was about 15 miles from the hospital the RMHC arranged for a cab to pick us up and take us to the hospital free of charge.  I am so grateful for the amazing help that the RMH gives to our family.  This is truly an amazing place for families to stay when they have children in the hospital. 

Thurs morning we got to the hospital bright and early.  Chan's port was accessed, blood was drawn and he was hooked up to the IV for fluids.  Chan does an amazing job when he gets his port accessed, he sits still and doesn't move a muscle, but is also very relaxed.  It helps that he has child life with an IPad there to distract him :)  Since he did such a good job the nurse let him choose an extra special big treasure box toy.  Channing chose Tickle Me Elmo Hands. 
He thought they were hilarious and any time someone came into the room they let him tickle them with the gloves :)  These people are seriously amazing!

Then we get to wait.  From 8 until 1pm when he has his LP.  We entertain ourselves with the Leapster, coloring, and cartoons mostly.  It does get a little old after awhile but Chan is a trooper.

After the LP we headed up to our inpatient room and had an uneventful night.  On Friday the AFCH had a special visitor for the kids.  We got to meet Dora and Boots!!  Channing was excited to meet Dora and even more excited to see that Boots came too :) 

Kindt came up after work on Friday and I headed home.  On Saturday we brought the whole clan up to watch fireworks from the hospital window and then stay at the RMH and drive home together on Sunday. 
 Channing was one of 2 patients, and the other was an infant (there were 2 other kids but they were in isolation because they were soon to be receiving bone marrow transplants), so we pretty much had the run of the place.  We got to sit in an empty room and watch the fireworks go off across town.  The boys were entertained for about 15 mins and Ema only a few. 

It was a little much having Ema at the hospital - she gets wild.  She has a hard time understanding that Channings tubies are not a toy, and to be careful not to trip over them.  I don't think we will bring her up for that amount of time again, it was just too much but it was worth a try. 

We didn't do much for the 4th of July this year because we were all recovering from the inpatient stay but my kids did look cute in their 4th of July clothes :)

I am sad I didn't get a picture of all three kids together, but Channing looked just as cute as Jakob does in this picture ;)

Now, we only have 2 inpatients left to go before the baby is born and Chan is in Maintenance!! Yippee!!

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