Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Water Tower Run and Taste of Clinton

First, I want to thank everyone who came out to support us, and who walked or ran the race.  Also, I want to thank everyone who did so much to make the event happen and such a success.  Our family really appreciates everything that everyone has done for us. 

Let the race begin!!
Kindt and Chan waiting for the race to start.

Ready, Set, Go!!
Off and running.

I didn't actually participate (I know, but my plan is that I will at least walk, and maybe run next year), and sadly this picture is the only picture that was taken of me...but proof I was actually there :)

 Channing, Kindt, Jakob and the kids grandfather all walked the race.  The boys mostly rode on the shoulders of Kindt and Dennis but they still participated.  Channing was so cute as he ran to the finish line :)
I wish I had a video and you could see the HUGE smile on Chans face as we cheered for him as he crossed the finish line.  Sadly, our camera battery died right before Chan actually made it to the finish line.  Which also means I didn't get a picture of Jakob and Dennis crossing the finish line, but they did, and if you look really closely in the background of the picture above you can kind of see them.  It would have seemed that Chan was a completely normal almost 4 yr old until he threw up in the bushes after the race. He was fine, but we get those reminders that he does have cancer and that he isn't quite able to do all the things normal almost 4 yr old can.  But some day he will and he really is doing great :)

I took a few pictures (after getting the other camera) of the huge group of people who came out and supported us, these pictures don't even do justice to all the people that came.


Come October I am going to start training, or at least walking or running, or maybe joining the gym so that I can participate fully next year.  Hopefully many of you can join our family in supporting whoever is the benefit for next year :)

Since we had been telling the boys that we were going to the Water Tower Run, and their shirts had a picture of the Water Tower, the boys were really excited to see the Water Tower.  So after the race we went up to the old water tower. 
 Ema, Chan, and Jakob

Chan and the water tower :)

I just thought this was a cute picture of Channing :)  Almost like saying 'Victory'!! 

The boys thought it was pretty cool and Kindt told me that he used to play at the water tower when he was a kid so we are just passing on the tradition :)

After the race there was a whole day of things to do in Clinton - it is called 'Taste of Clinton'.  They had garage sales, the MDA tub run (over 1,500 motorcycles came into our little town!), vendors, a car/truck/tractor/motorcycle showing, performances, clowns, face painting and more.  It was a lot of fun. 

We sat outside to watch for some motorcycles to drive by and I had a fun time taking pictures of my kiddos while they watched for motorcycles. 
Handsome Channing :)

Channing, Ema, Jakob. 

The kids would get really excited anytime a motorcycle drove by :)

After nap time, we headed downtown to see that 'Taste of Clinton'.  A local bar had Packers legend Jerry Kramer come sign autographs and the proceeds are going to Channing.  We stopped in to say thank you and to meet Jerry Kramer.  He is a really nice man, and he surprised us all when he let the boys try on his Superbowl ring!! 
It fit loosely over two of their fingers!! 
The boys didn't fully understand what a neat experience it was, but I sure did and I was smiling for days over it!  I am sure when the boys get older they will realize what a truly special experience this was!   

Packers legend Jerry Kramer, and us :) 

After meeting Jerry Kramer we walked downtown to see all the vendors, cars, and other things that were there. 

I told the boys to pick their favorite car and they choose these two...
It made me laugh when I realized that the choose cars that matched their shirts :)

We watched the clowns make balloon animals for awhile, and watched a few of the performances before we decided to call it a night.  It was such a good day and I will always look back on this day with fond memories. 

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