Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

3rd Inpatient, June 9th -12th - Half way done!!

Chans last hospital stay was pretty uneventful - which is always a good thing!   Jakob and Aunt Brittany came up to drop us off and ended up staying until a little after 5.  It was so nice to have someone else there to break up the mundane-ness of the hospital and also so that I could leave for a bit and go to the bathroom or get food without feeling like I was ditching Channing and had to book it back.  I think it was good for Jakob too, and he was really good for Britt and I.  The boys had a lot of fun playing and watching cartoons.  It was funny to see the reactions of the doctors and nurses when they weren't quite sure who was who, though after a quick inspection its easy to tell that the really pale, thinned haired child is the cancer patient :)

I had a stuffy nose and was feeling pretty exhausted after the first day so I decided to head home and let Kindt finish up the weekend when he arrived on Friday evening.  Channing also got a surprise visit from Nana (Chans grandmother, Marianne) who was on her way home from a meeting and had to pass through Madison.  Nana and Channing painted pictures in the playroom while Kindt and I went to dinner.  Kindt and I really don't get out much just the two of us and it was nice to have that time together.  Marianne took me home and kept the other kids overnight so I could get a break.  I slept until noon the next day!  I can't remember the last time I was able to do that.  Then Britt took Jakob to go visit Chan for the afternoon on Saturday and the boys had a good time together painting more pictures (anyone want a painting I have a lot ;).  I got to have some time with just Ema which was a lot of fun for me, though she was a little cranky.

Kindt and Channing came home on Sunday and the kids were happy to play together and fight again :)  When Channing gets home from the hospital its always an adjustment for all of us.  Channing is used to having all the attention and getting to do what he wants (mostly) and the other kids are overly something over mommy and daddy being back home and having a different schedule then normal.  It usually takes a few days for us to get back to normal, though for some reason this time it has taken longer and I still feel like we are out of whack.  It might be that I am 7 months pregnant and don't sleep well so am constantly exhausted, but whatever it is we get through it.

We don't have any pictures from our last stay, but I will leave you with a cute picture of my babies enjoying having everyone back together :)

Aren't they cute??    :)

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