Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Channings Life

A child's life revolves around the things that are most frequently occurring in their life.  For Channing this means his Leukemia.  He constantly talks about his port, his Dr's, when his next appointment is, that he needs to go to the Dr on Thurs and get pokes, etc.  It is so strange when I go to check on the boys in the middle of the night and Chan will roll over look at me and say "I have a port", then roll back over and go back to sleep- this has occurred many times.  At first, this really bothered me because a little boy his age shouldn't have to worry about these things, or even know about these things.  But it is Channing's life, and talking about it all the time is his way of saying he accepts and understands that this is his life right now.  It is all of our lives right now. 

Last night my phone beeped (it usually just vibrates) and Chan looked around and said "we aren't at the Dr's so its not my IV, what is that beeping?".  Again, a normal beep and his life context brings him to something related to his Leukemia.

As we are walking through the store Channing will see soda and say really loudly, "Soda hurts my MeKemia".  At first I would glance around to see if anyone heard, and is giving us funny looks but now, I smile at Channing and say "you are right, I am glad you remembered that we need to do our best to keep our body healthy to fight the Leukemia".  He seems to really understand that mommy, daddy, and his doctors are trying to keep him safe and healthy and when we say he can't have something, or needs to take his medicine he will do his best to listen and do it without a fight.  He really is an amazing little boy, who is dealing with something that no one should have to and doing it willingly and with a smile.  I know that I have a lot to learn from him!

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