We got to the hospital on Thurs morning prepped and ready for the weekend stay. Kindt drove us up and once we got the go ahead that all Chans counts were good and that we were going to be inpatient for sure, they would leave with the car so they weren't stuck without a vehicle (we only have one car, but Kindts dad and step-mom allow us to use their truck whenever we need it). We got the go ahead a little before noon and sent Jakob and Kindt on their way so Kindt could get some work in.
(The sedation room, Me, Jakob and Chan snuggling watching cartoons :) And this is the same size bed Chan and I share inpatient too...it gets to be quite cozy...
Channing did great with the sedation. After sedation we were taken up to the inpatient room. The pediatric oncology wing was really full so we ended up getting a room in the Bone Marrow Transplant section. Once we were settled the nurse came in to do Chans vitals (they do them every hour or two while inpatient). Chan registered a fever of 100.6. Anything above 100.4 with a cancer patient is a cause of concern. They started Chan on a powerful antibiotic and put the Chemo on hold until the next day, Friday.
Chan didn't have any more fevers, and his cough seemed to be getting better so I was hopeful that we could continue treatment on Friday. Every morning the whole team- oncology doctor, nurses, resident, nurse practitioner, pharmacist, social worker, etc- goes to each inpatient room and speaks with the parents about the treatment, how the child is doing, where to go from here etc. During rounds the team decided that we should do a CBC and check Chans counts to make sure it would be safe to continue treatment.
Chans counts came back low (360, and they need to be above 500) so they told me we were going to be discharged and we would come back on Monday to check counts and hope to continue this round of treatment. We were also given a prescription for an antibiotic to treat whatever is causing Chan's counts to be so low.
Hopefully when we go in on Monday Chans counts will be above 500 and we will be able to continue treatment. It's a little frustrating having to figure out how to take care of the kids during the day Mon-Thurs but it is what it is. It is also a little frustrating because the last date of Chans last day of inpatient was going to be Aug 14th and I am due Aug 15, and now we are pushed back even more. Which means I have to face the reality of having having my son (and possibly husband) in the hospital while I deliver in a different hospital. It isn't ideal, and really it isn't great but I have no control over it and so again it is what it is. Kindt and I were talking and he said that it will just be another exciting story to put in our familys book of life :)
I have been learning to let go of some of my obsession with being in control and dealing with the fact that many things and situations are out of my control and since there is nothing I can do to change them, I can be in control of how I handle them and how I feel. The doctors are constantly giving me looks and saying, how can you be so positive, and understanding with it all. And I look at them smile and say, theres nothing I can do to change it, I don't have a choice, so why let it bother me, it won't get me anywhere. And while I know it is completely healthy and normal to let it out and get frustrated and mad (and I do) I just give myself the time to do that then move on. I don't like dwelling on it because it makes me grumpy and I don't want to be grumpy :)
So, in a day we will be back in the hospital hoping that Chan's counts are good and we can continue treatment.
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