Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wish Trip, Day 2 GKTW and Sea World!

The kids were so excited when they woke up on the first day.  The kids insisted exploring some of our resort, Give Kids the World, which is only for wish kids and is of course free and everything in the resort is free (arcades, mini golf, food, movies, horse-back riding, games, carousel, and more).  Every where we turned the kids were in awe, "mom, this is so cool", "look at that", "no way!" :)  It was everything I had hoped for to see my children with such huge smiles on their faces. 

Our villa
The villas are 2 bedroom, 2 bath.  And the kids get the master suite!  The kids are treated like royalty around here, as are the parents, but everything is catered specifically for the children.

First stop was breakfast at the Gingerbread House Restaurant. 
The restaurant has lots of dolls and toys lining the ceiling as well as peppermint candies inside the tabletops.  It is buffet style, and has a huge selection to choose from.  The kids quickly found their favorite breakfast of waffles, whip cream, and strawberries! 
 I guess it was more like a big pile of whip cream :)

There were also many volunteers that would take your tray to your table for you, and get you any drink refills or anything else that you needed.  It was so humbling, and surreal to be treated so well, to be the one that was being taken care of,  especially after the last 2 years with everything we have been through. 

Every day there is a different activity at GKTW.  Saturday morning they had pony rides.  The kids and I went to the pony rides, while Kindt went to Orientation to get all the info we needed for our stay.

We met up with Daddy and went to the Carousel.  The kids rode this at least 2 or 3 times every single day!

After exploring GKTW for a bit, we decided to head out to our first park - Sea World!!  At Sea World the kids got to feed the dolphins, sharks, and stingrays for free!  All because we were a wish family.  I didn't get any pictures, because I was enjoying my family but we did get a fun video of us feeding the dolphins.

After Sea World, we picked up Aunt Brittany at the airport so that we had a 1:1 ratio of kids to adults :)

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