Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wish Party

Make-A-Wish sends Wish Granters to your home when you qualify to discuss what you want for your wish.  Back in October (I think) we had the granters over to our home to fill out paperwork and discuss that Channing wanted to go to Disney World and meet Buzz Lightyear for his wish.  We also discussed that Jakob wished he could meet Woody (so Jakob didn't feel left out).  They then take care of all of the details for you, we didn't really have to do anything.  A few weeks before we were to leave on our Wish Trip the Wish Granters came to our home and threw Channing a Wish Party.  They brought presents for all of the kids.  Some of the things the kids got were a goofy stuffed animal, a princess tea set, all the Toy Story 2 figurines (Evil Dr. Porkchop, monkey barrel, Woody, Jessie, and Buzz Lightyear), and so much more.  They also brought balloons and cake and ice cream for all of us to enjoy!

While the kids were entertained the Wish Granters discussed all of our trip details, what time we would get picked up for the shuttle to the airport, what tickets we were going to be given, the check for our expenses, a packet of info for the GKTW resort and so much more info.  The Wish Party got the kids even MORE excited about our trip to Disney!!

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