Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Inpatient Dec 12-14th

Kindt took Channing to urgent care, Wed the 12th, because he was being super whiny and annoying. Seriously, his only 'real' symptoms were that he was acting out and having to go in time-out constantly. He was diagnosed with a double ear infection and sinus infection.... At least there was a real reason for him being such a goober.  

When they got home Channing was exhauted and climbed right into bed at 7pm.  I went in a checked on him a bit later and he felt warm to me.  I checked his temp and he was 102.7 :(  I called his onc and let them know we were headed to the ER.  At the ER they did a CBC and his counts were so low that they thought it was a diluted sample.  So they re-did the CBC (it takes an hour to process each time).  And sure enough they were really low.  Which meant he was neutropenic and had a fever which is an automatic inpatient stay.  Since we were already in the ER they wanted to take Channing up to Madison in an ambulance.  Not entirely sure why, but I believe its because its easier for them to transfer the patient then discharge and re-admit, and I would have to sign a waiver in case in my transport something happened. 

Chan was a little nervous about the ambulance ride but enjoyed it after the first 20 mins or so. 

I was really worried I was going to get car sick because riding sideways in a big truck that you feel every bump in can do that to a person.  Thankfully, I didn't.  It helped that I was worried about Chan and the EMT kept me talking the whole hour ride.

We arrived at our room at the Children's hospital at 2am.  Then hooked him up to an IV with antibiotics and fluids and we had drs. and nurses come in for the first hour then we slept.  Chan and I always share a bed :)

Sadly, we were in isolation which means Chan can't leave the room.  We did lots of crafts, and watched lots of cartoons.  Also, a school teacher came in and worked with Channing for a half an hour both Thurs and Friday morning.  Channing enjoyed it and I was able to have a little time to myself. 

On Friday (14th) at rounds (morning meeting with all the people who work with Chan and the parents) they decided that if all went well through the day we could be discharged that evening.  Everything was good, white counts had risen, no fevers since Wed evening, and all cultures clear of bacteria so we got to go home!

Now, since Channing has had 2 recent inpatients due to ear infections we have decided to have tubes put in his ears. 

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