Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pre-Diagnosis Diagnosis

As I was organizing our important papers drawer I found the initial After Visit Summary when Chan was so sick right before we found out it was cancer.  The date on the paperwork reads 3/4/11, 5 days before our life changed forever.  On that day over a year ago I took Chan to his pediatrician and he was diagnosed with Strep Throat, Breathing Problem, Fever, and Tonsillitis.  Chans temperature was 103.8 *F, his pulse was 160 (normal is 80), and his respiration rate was 28 (normal is between 22-34).  My baby was very sick.  For the following 5 nights Channing slept in my bed with me.  Which is something my husband and I never do, our kids have hardly ever slept in bed with us but I was so afraid something was going to happen, I knew something was really wrong with my baby.  During the day Chan slept on my bed all day long- he barely moved, didn't talk, didn't eat or drink.  It was very difficult for me.  I remember going back to the pediatrician on Tues the 8th because Chan was getting worse.  The Dr. asked if maybe it could be Mononucleosis.  I remember praying, please don't be Mono, I can handle strep but not sure if I can handle my baby having Mono.  I think back on that prayer and chuckle a bit, if only I knew then what we were in for, I would have happily taken Mono :)

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