Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Wish Trip, Day 1, May 17th

May 17 is the date that the boys would repeat for MONTHS.  When are we going to Disney World?  May 17th.  When do we leave?  May 17th.  Finally on May 17 the kids could barely contain their excitement.  We didn't leave until early evening, so the boys were at school all day and when I picked them up everyone (crossing guard, parents of the others, etc) told us to have fun on Chan's trip, apparently it is all the boys have been talking about for awhile.  We were told at Chan's Wish Party that we would be picked up at 4:15pm from our house.  At 4 o'clock I looked out the window and saw a Limousine pull up in front of our house.  I was shocked, I honestly expected a shuttle van to get us.  Needless to say, the kids were sooo excited.  "Mom, that is the LONGEST car I have ever seen!"  "THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!"

The kids loved the drive to the airport :)

Getting through the airport with 3 little kids and 2 adults is always an adventure.  Thankfully the kids were pretty good. 

 At the Wish Party we were given an envelope with a letter to give to the flight attendant on the plane to ask if Channing would be able to have a special meet and greet with the pilot.  I handed it to the flight attendant and we headed to our seats.  A few minutes later the flight attendant got us and the boys and I went to the front of the plane and got to talk with the pilot and co-pilot.  They were SO nice to the boys.  They let them push a few buttons. 
The pilot told the boys that they can't touch one of the buttons because it would shoot out laser beams :)  A little later on the flight Channing told me that he would like to be a pilot but he was afraid that he might accidentally push the laser button and hurt someone.  I had to explain that the pilot was just pretending with him :)  Cute boy, things are so black and white to him.  He is so trusting. 
The pilot, Channing, Jakob and the co-pilot in his Darth Vader mask.  The co-pilot asked if the boys wanted to try it on but they boys were too scared to turn into Darth Vader.  It was pretty funny but the boys talked about the Darth Vader mask all week.

The kids were really pretty good on the 2 and 1/2 hour flight.  Ema even fell asleep for a bit.

We meet with a Give Kids the World Representative at the Airport who helped us with our luggage, and helped us get our rental car.  She had a sign on it with Chan's name on it. 

The kids were exhausted (we landed at 11pm) and they slept through the ride to the resort, and all through check in.  The kids were each given a welcome gift Mickey Mouse for Ema and Shamu for Jakob and Channing.  Then we crashed in bed as soon as we got to our room.