Chan The Man

Our sweet little Channing has been diagnosed with ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Thankfully the success rate with

treatment for this type of cancer is above 90%. Follow along with our story as we battle with cancer.

Monday, March 12, 2012

One year

One year down, one and a half to go!!!  Chan's end date for treatment is Sept 9, 2013. 

For Chan's one year anniversary from diagnosis we did 10 random acts of kindness.  The kids never asked why we were doing what we were doing, and I only said we were going to make people smile today just because we can.

#1 - #6
The boys made some cards using stamps and crayons and stickers.  They stamped "thank you" on them then I added a little note for each person we gave it to.  We also put a bag of M&M's with each note.
1.  Story time Teacher
2.  Mailman
3.  Morning Bus Driver
4.  Afternoon Bus Driver
5.  Teacher
6.  Teachers Aide

We bought donuts (I gave the boys the choice between donuts and muffins and they wanted donuts) for the local police department, and delivered them. 
The police man that was there allowed the boys to climb into his car and turn the lights on and off.  It was very nice of him and made the boys day :) 

Bought a $5 gift card and gave it back to the cashier to use on the next person's purchase.  I tried to pay for the groceries of sweet older lady in line with us, but she wouldn't let us. 

Made dinner for a friend who was sick, had sick kids, and an 8 week old baby.

Got a swing for a friend who has a month old baby girl so that she could get a break from holding the baby all the time :)

I also called a few people that day and let them know how much their message, thoughts and prayers meant to me when Chan was diagnosed.  My only regret is that I wasn't able to call everyone and express just how much I needed and appreciated everyone's support over the last year. 

This was one of the best most peaceful days.  I enjoyed spreading joy and seeing others smile.  I want to make this a tradition whether it be for birthday's or just randomly deciding that I need a little more cheer in my life. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness

In one week, it will be one year since Channing was diagnosed with Leukemia. It still seems surreal. I have been thinking about this day (March 9th) a lot and have been trying to think of something that I could do to honor everyone who has helped us this last year. I read on a friends blog about the Birthday Project, doing random acts of kindness on your birthday, or other important dates. I think this will be a fun thing to do for the one year anniversary of Channing's diagnosis. Not sure how many I will be able to do with 4 littles (I am going to aim for 10), but I am going to do my best and that’s what matters J  I would love it if any of you also wanted to do this (just one random act of kindness) and then let me know what you did, and maybe even share a picture with me.

This last year has been a difficult one, and I have tried to make a hard situation a positive experience and I hope that I can do this 'Birthday Project' every year on the anniversary of Channing's diagnosis to help build happy memories for our family even in the most difficult times. 

I still remember the sweet young lady who gave me extra snickers on my snickers ice cream the day after Channing was diagnosed.  She had no idea what I was going through but that small act of kindness put a smile on my face which was a huge thing for a mother who just found out her son had cancer.  I am excited to pass happiness on with some random acts of kindness.  Who knows, maybe I will go back to the fast food resturant and see if I can get in touch with the stranger who made such a difference to me. 

For more on the Birthday Project go here.