During the last 2 1/2 years of treatment Channing has had 93 days of steroids, and 22 doses of Vincristine. I will explain both medications below and what Chan experienced with each.
Dexamethasone side effects that Chan experienced - overeating, difficulty sleeping or falling asleep, decreased ability to fight infection, personality with mood swings, weight gain, puffy cheeks, muscle weakness, red face, serious mood changes including depression.
I HATE steroids. I hate what it did to my baby. In a matter of one week my son went from super thin to overweight. I think he gained 15 pounds over the course of one month on steroids. He couldn't even walk on the sand at the playground. It was heart breaking. He didn't understand that his body was different, or why he couldn't play he just couldn't. So, I avoided going to parks the Spring Channing was diagnosed. Channing was also depressed on his first round of steroids (which lasted 30 days). He just wanted to sit in my room, in the dark and stare at the wall. It was really hard to watch him just lay there in the dark. He was only 3 1/2 he should have been running and playing.
Day of diagnosis, small little boy then... a few weeks later.... |

This last dose of Steroids were the WORST. Channing was not only constantly hungry, not really sleeping, but he was aggressive and would threaten his siblings. On more then one occasion Channing took a butter knife to Ellery's throat and threatened to cut him. Thankfully, I was able to talk Channing down, and call to have someone get the other kids so I could deal with Channing but it was scary, and heartbreaking. Channing didn't understand what he was feeling, it was the drugs. Chan and I sat and cried together for about a half hour after the 2nd time he threatened his siblings and talked about what was going on. There is no telling what sets Channing off when he is on steroids, anything could do it. But, I just kept telling myself that this was the last time I ever had to give him steroids and that helped a little. I hated loosing my little boy for those 93 days of steroids over the last 2 1/2 years, not to mention that they usually took a week or so to get out of his system and get him back to normal. I am so glad that the steroids are finished and that I don't have to worry about 'roid rage' again.
Vincristine side effects that Chan experienced: hair loss (thinning and change of texture), constipation, pain and bloating in the abdomen, and increase in urination.
Chan's bloated belly. The drs would tease that he was trying to outdo my baby belly with his belly:) |
Channing never lost his hair completely but it did thin out considerably and change texture. That was VERY hard for me. It was a constant reminder that Channing had cancer. People would point out that they could tell who was who because of the difference in hair. I had to smile and pretend that it didn't hurt every time someone made that sort of comment.
Chan's thinned and weird texture hair |
I was sooo greatful to be done with that last round of Vincristine and Dex. I was an emotional mess dealing with all of Channing's side effects. It was a very difficult few weeks for me.